Our Studio

Susan Dixon, teaches Pilates Barre-4-Bones, Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation.
Pilates, Barre 4 Bones, Yoga.
Our studio offers a harmonious environment with separate studios for private instruction and small group classes in Pilates Mat, Pilates Allegro Reformer, Yoga, Barre 4 Bones. The private Pilates instruction studio is equipped with Balanced Body equipment including reformers, trapeze tables, a combo chair, and a ladder barrel plus other small equipment to personalize and integrate the teachings of Joseph Pilates with current knowledge of biomechanics and physiology.
Our small group instruction studio features Balanced Body Allegro Reformers and other small equipment to enhance the Pilates reformer workout
An intimate private studio, Momentum Fitness Studio is a warm and inviting space for guided exercise.